Located in southern Asia, Bhutan is a landlocked country on the southern slope of the eastern Himalayas. It is bordered by China to the north and India to the south. Due to its location, this country always remains a mysterious destination for most tourists who love to explore the world. It will be a unique and memorable experience to have a Bhutan tour in your lifetime.
Lies deep in the eastern Himalayas, the Kingdom of Bhutan can be divided into three altitude zones by this mountain range. The topography decreases gradually from north to south, which has divided the whole country into high mountains areas in the north, river valleys in the mainland, and hilly plains in the south. There is a wide range of altitudes across Bhutan. The Manas River in the southeast is 97 meters above sea level, while the mount Kula Kangri in the north enjoys an altitude of 7,554 meters. All in all, Bhutan boasts lots of mountains with the main Himalayan mountain range and some branches of it.
Thanks to the lush valleys and huge mountain ranges that create an ideal environment for animals and plants to grow and thrive in this country. And partly, it also owes to the great efforts that Bhutan’s government has made over these years. Tourists will be granted the chance to find thousands of rare and endangered species while traveling in Bhutan. Beautiful, charming, and mysterious - We truly hope that everyone who chooses this country as their next tourist destination will see the real Bhutan.
Bhutan is at The Red Part